So many people jump into projects with both feet, only to abandon them when they get tired or something new comes along.
I call this THE FIZZLE FACTOR and it happens even in ministry.
People jump on board with a church program or ministry project and fully intend to commit. Then something happens. Whether it's an illness, financial issue, or family problem, the devil's arrows hit their mark and the person fades out.
They usually don't see past their own circumstances to notice the effects on the ministry. Others have to step in and pick up the pieces. Or people feel abandoned because this person who'd made a commitment stopped coming around.
The Lord makes provisions and he always has workers in the field so with faith and trust in the Lord, that ministry will survive and continue to thrive.
But not without a spiritual rift in the Kingdom first.
The worst part of it all is that they are backing out of a commitment made to GOD.
We honor commitments made to our spouses, our landlords, our bosses. Yet we are cavalier when it comes to our commitments to the Lord.
Even worse than those who set out to serve are those who think they are above menial tasks in the Kingdom of God.
We've seen it several times.
Someone gets saved, is on fire for the Lord, and wants to serve God. You give a few ministry options but they decline. They believe God wants them to do something bigger. Like pastor a church. Or run a home.
There may be a calling to do just that. But as a new Christian, if you think there are areas of serving God that are beneath you, you might want to go back to the beginning and really examine your heart.
At best, you still have some pride to deal with.
On the other end are people who are entertaining a religious spirit and they have no clue that their salvation is merely a mirage.
A few months ago one of our street guys came to us proclaiming he was one of us now.
He began quoting scriptures and denouncing the demon that made him use spice. He wanted to go out and minister with us and preach a service at church.
He was still drinking (The Lord told him THAT was okay) and he would continue to live under the bridge because all he needed was his knife and the Lord would help him cut anyone who messed with him.
The spirit within him was saying the right things, but was so cunning it sent chills down my spine.
How do you use scripture to denounce a demon quoting scripture? WITHOUT hurting the person who truly believes he's got it?
Fortunately for me, my husband was there (this is why we should go out in pairs) and he knew how to respond.
Less than a month later, there was no talk of religion or serving God, and it was obvious that he hadn't had a true salvation experience.
But for some, it isn't as obvious.
What about you? Do you KNOW that you know?
Do you hear His voice? Do you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are a child of God? Or do you just know the verses? Know ABOUT Him?
If you are saved...if you KNOW that you have committed your life to Him, how well do you honor your commitments to Him? Do you jump in and then fizzle out? Or do you remain committed?
Whether it's a committee you've joined, a Sunday School class you're teaching, or an outreach program you've committed to, don't fizzle out!
The harvest is great, but the laborers are few.
In other words, don't be all the other animals. (Not I!) Be the Little Red Hen!
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