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Thursday, April 7, 2016

Facing Your Demons

First, just let me say this: I love Hallmark movies.

Even though they follow a format that allows you to predict the ending (as well as every major plot point along the way) within the first five minutes, this formula contains a lot of heart.

And no foul language or questionable material.

So even though my husband claims to have already seen every Hallmark movie I put on (let's face it, just because it's airing for the first time doesn't mean it is "original") he will indulge me because, quite frankly, it beats the alternatives out there for what we call entertainment.

But something just really struck me as wrong last night and I can't stop thinking about it.

Our protagonist was going through the usual reckless playboy to caring philanthropist steps when an older family friend offered some guidance.

"You just have to face your demons."

We've heard that phrase a million times. I've said it myself. But I've never given the phrase much thought.

I know the writer's view mirrors the standard worldview: stand up to your demons...your fear, your hurts, your past...and then let go of them and get on with your life.

But why are we even facing our demons?

We should be facing God. When your eyes are focused on God, those demons will be fleeing YOU.

Somehow we give the devil so much power and precedence in our lives that we elevate him into a position he doesn't have.

Yes, you are going to have to acknowledge things sometimes. Addiction, past abuse, anger...but you don't have to face those demons alone.

Submit yourselves therefore TO GOD; resist the devil and he will flee from you...James 4:7

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