Katie, the young homeless girl who abandoned her baby last week, returned yesterday.
While we were out shopping for tomorrow's fish fry we ran into them.
They promptly handed us the baby and said "We're going to let you take her."
I wanted to say, "NOT NOW! I've had less than eight hours sleep since Tuesday and I'm exhausted! I have too much to do...let's do this later."
But I couldn't.
I've told them from the beginning to call me anytime so I couldn't refuse now.
I was a little taken aback when they said they'd get her back "probably Sunday."
But I was already ready, having had new crib sheets and blankets ready since her birth in February.
So we came home and I promptly washed everything she had and gave her a bath.
It's been a long day. She's a little sick and has been so fussy. At one point we went over to the church while I rocked her in the church nursery and Dale played the guitar. She slept for thirty whole minutes.
She loves the dogs and they are equally enamored with her. Except for Annie. She's older and is not impressed with the various sounds and smells that emanate from a newborn!
Two of my grandkids are coming Monday for the week so I'm trying to prepare myself now for life without sleep. At least they don't have to be held 24/7. Quite the opposite, they never sit still!
Oh, it'll be fun...don't think I'm complaining!
I remember the months following a back surgery a few years ago in which I laid in a bed staring at the walls or the television, existing only. There was no life and I was miserable.
A busy day without sleep beats lying in bed doing nothing BUT sleeping every time!
But now she's gone to sleep so I must go run and try to grab a few minutes of shut eye before she wakes up.
My firstborn Callie had her days and nights mixed up and we had an old t.v. with rabbit ears. So as she was just getting good and awake, the National Anthem was playing as the t.v turned to snow only. Thankfully we now have cable, dvr, and tablets so if I have to spend the night upright, there will be something to watch or a game to play. Though I probably won't do more than rock and sing!
Goodnight, all....
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