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Monday, July 25, 2016

Consider the Source...

You know the old saying Consider the source?

It's usually preceded by a slew of gossip from a not-so-credible person.

Maybe a cheated-on wife talking about her husband's business ethics or a junior high girl discussing her ex-boyfriend's new flame.

These judgments aren't going to be very reliable because of the negative emotions involved.

So when you listen to the opinions and/or outright lies, you know to think about how this person's perception is flawed.

You consider the source.

Yet, we hardly ever consider the source that seeks to destroy us.

This was all-too apparent this week-end.

It had been a fun, but exhausting week with two of my grandkids and their overexuberant puppy play, including the traumatic search and rescue of our new 1-lb. teacup chihuahua. (Who, by the way, turned up in a hole of the recliner liner after 5 hours. Thank you, Anabelle, for your insistent barking as you led me through the dense thicket of briars on a wild goose chase. But, it was an informative adventure as well as I discovered something my husband says everyone else on the planet already knows. If you drive your car behind the pumphouse, ESPECIALLY after a rain, you will stay in said spot until the tow truck arrives.)

By Saturday night, I was drained.

Then the phone calls started.

The first was from a guy who does some work with the homeless as well. He doesn't have a home church but just visits around on occasion. He had called four of my regulars and asked them to go with him to a different church the next day.

I was a little aggravated. Not so much about one of the couples, who basically use churches as their panhandling grounds, but the other couple has really made strides to give their lives to the Lord. They've been in a one-room efficiency apartment for three weeks, have remained sober, and have worked to pay their bills. We'd bought a Bible for the guy and had been praying over it all week. By coming to church each week, they had some accountability for the first time in their lives and we were excited to see growth. It was frustrating that a well-meaning Christian would hinder that and I was aggravated at him.

Five minutes later I got a call from my friend that normally helps me pick up people for church. There was a conflict and she needed my guidance. How could I objectively advise when I had such a vested interest in the outcome? I prayed for godly wisdom. Family first? Honor your commitment? I was still so aggravated about the previous phone call that I couldn't remove myself from the equation long enough to hear what God had to say. I told her I would do pick up alone (a decision I later regretted) and prayed that the Lord will either give her peace or conviction, thereby taking it out of my hands.

Then a text that one of my ladies I'd put in housing had been invited to another church and wouldn't be coming.

Five minutes after THAT, my husband got a call from his friend that had been coming to church faithfully after a near-death experience turned him around. HE wasn't going to come either. There was no reason; he just didn't have a ride and didn't want anyone to have to come get him.

At this point, all aggravation immediately dissipated as incredulation set in.

"Wow," I exclaimed to my husband, "the devil is trying very hard to keep people out of our church tomorrow."

It would be more than twenty-four hours later for me to realize the enormity of that truth.

Deciding not to judge who deserved to get a ride to church, I ended up making two trips.

That wouldn't be a big deal except, as referenced in the fact that we have a pumphouse (Fellow city girls, this means water doesn't just magically appear in your faucets..), I live twelve miles from the nearest store and twenty from the nearest homeless camp. So each route is one hour, when you factor in the stops and the people who think start times mean when you get there.

I was five minutes late with my second group and didn't get a chance to greet everyone but we had a packed house.

Two special singers, a baptism, two baby dedications, and a powerful sermon (complete with sign language for one of our deaf homeless girls) by my husband's son.

I had twelve homeless people who were, all but one, completely sober. Even Jesus had Judas so I'm okay with that.

The incredibleness of that is the other eleven, six of whom are rarely sober, including one who has been drunk for over a year. It took him almost dying last week to realize he wanted to live.

We had visitors; we had regulars. I was sad for those who weren't there, but rejoicing for those who were.

The service was amazing.

The ride home was different. Not just because there was another two trips but the atmosphere was different.


There was no talk of beer, or fights, or even complaining.

The van was filled with light, and love, and a chance for a new tomorrow.

Even my "Judas" was restrained, not feeling the light but hindering it either.

We returned to the evening service with a smaller, yet still larger than usual, crowd.

It was as if the Spirit had been waiting for us. You could feel His presence in the entire building.

The message was again powerful and the fellowship was free-flowing.

We prayed for one of our older ladies whose tremors had come back so strong she was facing an experimental brain surgery.

We all left feeling renewed and revived.

I was sad for those who'd missed the services because I knew they'd missed something special.

This morning, though, I found out just HOW special.

One of my homeless groups, touched mightily by the Lord, are all still sober and ready to change their entire lives. Two were saved and ready for baptism. Two others finally had that seed take root.

And the tremors? GONE. 100% vanished overnight.

The Lord did a mighty work yesterday through the church and those that missed it thought it was just about a cold, or pain, or transportation issues. They didn't consider the source.

When the Lord tells you to do something, or you are going somewhere church- or ministry-related, and it feels like the bottom just fell out of your life, CONSIDER THE SOURCE...

That cough? The upset stomach? The headache? The big fight with your friend or family member?

Have you ever noticed the pattern? Right before a big event...on Sunday mornings...before a trip...

Those are all tools in the devil's arsenal to keep you from what God has for you.

Consider the source....and do what you would with anyone else who was trying to manipulate you.

Ignore it. Don't play the game.

Spoiler alert: We've already won!

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