Let's be clear from the top: judgment and discernment are not the same.
This is fairly obvious to the one doing the discerning, but not so much to the one being discerned.
I know, because I've been in both places. Many times.
I hear it often. "You're judging me." "The Bible says not to judge." "Everyone's judging me."
It is easy to fall into a self-righteous mode. "No-one judges me but God."
And they're right. No one should judge but God. To use Seussian terminology, I WOULD NOT, COULD NOT judge another person.
The Bible is clear in James 4:11-12:
Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that speaketh evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge. There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another?
There are few events that are recounted in great detail in all four gospels but Jesus' words on judging others is one. "Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged.." (Matthew 7:1-2)
I do NOT want to be judged the same way my human nature tends to judge. I know the Lord is more merciful than I am and I will not subject myself to the unyielding scorn that comes from the flesh.
Besides, how can I cast any stones?
I WAS that woman in John Chapter 8 and if Jesus had not defended me, I wouldn't be where I am today.
I have compassion. And empathy. And love.
I have a heart for the lost and dying and I do not sit in judgment because I, too, was once lost and dying.
But I do have discernment. In fact, anyone with the Holy Spirit residing within them has a measure of discernment. It's that "feeling" when something isn't quite right, the intuitive knowing when the words are right, but the spirit is off. It's also how you know, immediately after meeting someone, that you've just met a fellow brother or sister in Christ.
Discernment is an incredible gift from the Lord, one that should be used with wisdom.
I've seen people use a "gift of discernment" to ridicule someone, to destroy groups, and to spread gossip. I tend to think that if you are using discernment for destruction, it isn't a gift from the Holy Spirit at all but rather familiar spirits revealing things for evil intentions.
God builds up; He doesn't blow up.
But He does tell us in Galatians 6 to help someone overtaken by sin. That means not to look the other way nor to allow the person to continue in their deception. To speak up with boldness is the right, godly thing to do. As long as it is done with meekness and love.
It isn't often received well. Who wants to be "called out" for doing wrong?
I didn't.
A little over a year ago I lost hearing in my right ear. If it was a spiritual test, I failed miserably. I spiraled quickly. I went from an outgoing, bubbly hospitality queen to a tired, cranky hermit.
And I didn't want to hear a word about it.
I got defensive when people would ask my husband what was wrong. HOW DARE THEY JUDGE ME, I'd fume. I'd use their concerns to further alienate myself, placing the blame on them instead of where it belonged. Solely on me.
I now realize, with the clarity of hindsight, that they were concerned. I wasn't myself and they knew it. I was angry at myself, probably a little angry at God, and had absolutely no idea how to get back to where I needed to be.
Fortunately, God did and He guided me back to that place where He covered me and became my shield (Psalm 91:4).
By then I was a little embarrassed and wouldn't have minded moving to a foreign country where no-one knew me, but that wasn't an option so I had to face my "accusers" in open court a.k.a. Sunday morning church.
Wow. Give me this jury after every trial because all I heard once I came out from under my dark cloud was "Glad you're feeling better." That's it.
There never was any judgment, just concern and love. And as quickly as it had started, it was over.
True discernment from true Christians brings truth. Truth in love. Truth in light. Truth that makes darkness dissipate.
Three Simple Do's and Don'ts of Discernment:
1. Don't believe that the world is judging you when truth is revealed. Do remember that truth is the biggest weapon against darkness.
2. Don't use your discernment to harm someone. Do speak truth in love, with meekness and kindness.
3. Don't run away just because others see you in a fault. We ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23) True friends, real Christians, will stand with open arms for you just as you've done for them.
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