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Thursday, October 8, 2015


Tomorrow is MOVING DAY for Eric and I am so excited!

We've been working on getting him out of the woods for over a year. (He's been there for ten years.)

An honorably discharged veteran, we knew that he was at the top of the lists for every "Vulnerable Persons" report out there. The national coalition for homelessness targeted homeless veterans as the focus for 2015. Income or not, every veteran was to be housed.

Eric initially didn't care.

He'd lived in the woods so long that he wasn't sure he could acclimate back into society.

We didn't force the issue; we just kept sharing Jesus.

And our hot dogs.

Eleven months later, Eric was ready to venture out of the woods.

He was nervous and understandably so. He'd lived in a one-man tent for so long that even going to a restaurant was daunting.

But we took baby steps.

Two months later all of the paperwork has been done and he has a new apartment.

He's still a little nervous. He's afraid something will go wrong in the eleventh hour.

It's been two months of eleventh hours so I think we are finally good.

I'm excited.

I don't always get to see the fruits of my labor. I don't mind because I'd much rather store up my treasures in Heaven.

But this one is a bonus!

While no-one is looking, me and my two left feet will be doing the happy dance!

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