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Saturday, April 30, 2016

Don't Miss Your Opportunity!

There have been many days over the past few months that the Lord has given me a revelation while ministering. I usually compose my post in my head while traveling home but rarely am I able to go straight to the computer once I arrive.

Hence, my folder.

The folder originally just contained my aliases- the names I use to protect identities- because even though I could just make up a name each time, sometimes I like to provide updates.

Then I started added future post ideas.

These were just lessons I was in the MIDST of learning and as soon as I was ready, I'd share them.

Then I started struggling.

I'd get a message but just NOT FEEL LIKE writing.

How many times do you ignore tasks at hand because you just don't feel like it?

While ignoring a pile of laundry or a sinkful of dishes doesn't make them disappear, I've discovered that ignoring something the Lord gives you can have dire consequences.

I knew I'd been given some profound words to share. They were so profound that all I had to do was give them a title and I knew exactly what the message was.

And He WAS patient.

It was the middle of February (I only know this by the Valentine message on the front of the paper I'd used a scratch sheet) and I started to worry I'd forget my titles.

So I jotted them down.

I'll write in a day or two, I said.

My list grew to 15.

My days turned into weeks, then months.

Finally, FINALLY, I emerged from my cocoon.

There was no shortage of words to share.

But there was some still unsaid.

The Lord gave me some tasks and they sat uncompleted.

Today I pulled out my list.

It'll be exciting! Kind of like Impromptu Speech from high school. Only I get to CHOOSE which one I want to write back.

As I unfolded the paper, the titles were familiar:

You Deserve That Bumper Sticker!
Tsunamis, End, Times, and the Streets
Condemned in More Ways Than One

I can even remember exactly where I was when the Lord revealed the messages to me.

There was only one little problem.

The message itself was gone!

I racked my brain.

What was I going to say? What was the revelation?

What do tsunamis have to do with the streets?

I was leaving the Wal-Mart parking lot when I came up with that title.

How can I remember THAT but not what it meant?

Because I failed Him.

He gave me a precious gift and I just carelessly tossed it aside.

At this point the devil would normally try to come in and tell me it's over.

But he's still under my foot and unable to taunt me with his lies right now. Besides, God's already been faithful to reveal even more.

He shouldn't. I don't deserve it.

Yet that's who He is.

He gives and gives and just wants us to receive.

I'm sorry that I let those messages go. Maybe in the future you'll see one of those titles pop up and know that He gave it back to me.

I've asked.

But even if he doesn't, I received a message greater than all 15 combined:

Don't let an opportunity with the Lord pass you by!

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