The other day I heard the song "Blinded By the Light" by
Bruce Springsteen.
Though the Manfred Mann's Earth Band version is the one we heard in the 80's, it was originally penned by The Boss.
None of this really matters, mind you, but before writing this post I had to do a little research.
Like, what in the world are they actually saying?
My research led me to the lyrics and further reading explained that the line "revved up like a deuce" referred to a 1932 hot rod.
Furthermore, the entire song was never intended to make much sense, with Springsteen saying he wrote the tune using a rhyming dictionary.
One of the rhyming, nonsensical verses:
No deep meaning, just words.
I really didn't have an issue with the song. Except...
...for the title lyric.
Cause it isn't the light that blinds.
It's the darkness.
Sometimes it is hard to apply physical concepts to spiritual matters.
For example, I'd never get upset at a blind person for not being able to see.
They're blind. It isn't their fault they can't see.
Yet there are so many walking around in spiritual darkness, blind as a bat, and we get upset with them.
Even the disciples were chastised by Jesus at one point for not knowing what manner of spirit they were operating in. (Luke 9:55)
There are people who are constantly trying to manipulate me. They've learned the buzz words: homeless, stable housing, hungry. Lately many conversations have started with "I heard you were a woman of God..." setting up the premise that if I do not provide the assistance requested, I must not truly be a Christian.
I actually was accused of just that the other day. "Aren't you supposed to be a Christian?" Followed by "I called you for a ride to the store and you said you couldn't take me."
I guess Christian and Cab are supposed to be synonymous. Alliterative, yes. Synonyms, no.
But that doesn't bother me.
This in itself is HUGE. I used to care so much what other people thought of me that comments like that would've thrown me into a tailspin for days.
But it's just manipulation and I lettered in that in high school.
So I just move right along.
I do what I can but I'm starting to guard my time a little more fiercely.
I told someone just last night that I was finally learning to run my own schedule instead of letting my schedule run me.
There's still not a lot of downtime. Just this week were three hospital visits, one wedding, one funeral, and one baptism. Plus we are building a new parsonage with no contractor and no crew so that has kept me a little closer to home.
That, in turn, has cut down considerably on my time on the streets.
Which has upset a few people.
Because it is often like having a houseful of kids again.
If I take one to lunch, the others want to know why they couldn't go.
If I buy one pair of shoes, I have to listen to how twenty other pairs were worse than the ones I replaced.
And to drive their point home (the point being that they are the only one truly deserving of being ministered to) they tell me how fake the others are. How they lie, how they speak "God" around me but live like the devil when I'm not around, how they are using me.
I usually don't respond. At best, I'll just nod.
But the other day I'd had enough.
"I know a whole lot more than you think I do and I don't do anything I don't want to."
That was all it took and nothing else was said.
I could've elaborated.
"You know that Megan Trainor song? The one I hear in my head every time any of y'all speak? I know you're lyin'...cause your lips are movin'..."
Or worse, I could've told them that the "God" speak hurts my heart even more than the lies and I'd rather him them curse than pepper their conversations with phrases like "Blessed by the Best" and "Blessed and Highly Favored."
Just because they don't know what manner of spirit they are speaking, I certainly do.
But I can't get mad at them for not being able to see.
They're spiritually blind.
And they haven't been blinded by the Light.
They're blinded by the darkness they live in and cannot see the light at all.
What they think is the light is the fake glow Satan has set in front of them.
Can you tell a knockoff Birkin bag from the real one? Are all red-soled shoes Louboutins?
While a designer can easily spot the fake, most people can not. I certainly couldn't.
The things of God are no different.
Well, actually they are VASTLY different. But the concept is the same.
We cannot expect a lost person to know, obey, or even discern spiritual matters.
We can only guide them, such as we'd assist a physically blind person.
We can pray for their eyes to be opened.
And we must always remember the attack is not on us personally. It is a war that started long before we were even conceived and will continue on long after we are gone, should the Lord tarry.
Blinded by the light?
And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. John 1:5
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