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Thursday, November 12, 2015

Life...With Bumpers?

My friend Mikelyn and I went bowling yesterday. It was my first time in years and I was quite rusty. After a few gutter balls, I begged for those bumpers they put up for kids' birthday parties. Surely I could break 100 with those!

While catching up on our busy lives, we wondered aloud what our lives would be like with bumpers. Marriage and motherhood go hand in hand with mistakes and we'd made our share of them.

Wouldn't life be nice with bumpers? Mikelyn mused.

After thinking about it for a minute, I decided No, it wouldn't.

Just think about it. If all of your mistakes could be corrected and ricochet back toward the mark, you might get a false sense of security.

There'd be no real consequences and no way to try harder the next time.

You'd go through life never knowing real failure..or success. Was it by accident? Or was your accomplishment all your own?

There are qualities I have now that took years to amass. I'm more patient, less self-absorbed. (I said less, not UN, for family members feeling the need to contribute their two cents!)

I will always be a work-in-progress.

And that's okay.

So no bumpers for me.

Except in bowling.

I still need those!

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