Stan came to church for the first time last Sunday.
When I first met him almost two years ago, he was riding his bike on the streets and though he was hanging out with the homeless, he quickly told me he was NOT homeless himself.
This is actually a common sight on the streets. People, mostly men, who have a home with little more, spend their days hanging out on the streets telling everyone what they are doing wrong and how much better off they are than the homeless.
They consider themselves a true help to those less fortunate.
And they do try.
Stan has called me for other people no less than twenty times in the past year. I do what I can to help.
But last week he finally asked for help for himself.
I wasn't surprised; I knew there were addiction issues. I was pleased he finally admitted he had a problem. That's the first step.
But in these last two years, I could never get him to church. Or to accept a meal or clothes or anything else. He only wanted a hug. The material goods he wanted me to give to someone else.
So last week when I pulled up to the store to pick up some guys for church, he was there. He wished me a happy Mother's Day and started to ride off when he reminded me that he still needed some help with his addiction. I told him to come on to church with us; the Word could do more than I ever could.
While he wavered, I pulled a page from the Mother's Handbook. I told him it would be a great Mother's Day gift. It worked and he came.
I was excited for him and prayed that he would receive during the service.
He did.
I saw him Monday morning.
He was still talking about the service. (His first church service EVER.)
"That was so great. I really got a lot. Your husband said a lot of things that I understood."
I was glad; I had prayed specifically for the Lord to speak to him.
He continued with what has probably been the HIGHEST praise I've ever gotten.
"It was SO GOOD that I didn't want a beer for, like, 3 hours after I left!!"
Small steps... :)
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